Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Version 1.5 released

The game is now well-balanced and games between equally matched players are lasting over 6-7 seven rounds.

The first 3-4 rounds are precarious for the UK and often the fate of the world hangs on the USSR holding the line until the USA arrives. Africa, India, Australia and the Middle-East are all hard fought for while China continues to dampen Japan's momentum in Asia. Naval strategies are vital and battles are fierce.

Factories have been placed only in regions historically capable of producing troops and armaments so supply lines are vital, thinly stretched and vulnerable to attack.
Games opening along historical lines "feel" historically authentic.

Version 1.5 contains several small changes designed to boost Axis production after the first few rounds making them more competitive when the USA fully mobilizes.

The values of Austria, West Poland, Java, Sumatra and the Balkans have been increased by one IPC. Sweden & West Turkey have been increased by one IPC. Australia, Canada & the West Indies have been reduced by one IPC. The value of two of Russia's Siberian territories have been reduced from one to zero. Southwestern USA has been decreased to 8 IPC and Northwestern South America has been reduced to 2 IPC.

Italy's ground units in Europe have been increased.

Spain has an AA gun.

Enjoy...... Cheers - Wolfy

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