The order of play is:
- Germany
- Russia
- Italy
- China
- Japan
- UK
- USA.
Germany round one can attack Norway, France, Switzerland, Hungary and Poland. Her initial IPCs are slightly higher and she has two transports.
Russia has no factory in the Caucuses but has one in Novo-Sibirsk. Although she possesses little offensive units she remains vast and wealthy.
Italy round one can attack the Balkans and either Algeria or Egypt or she can chose to reinforce Libya. The Italian fleet in the Mediterranean has been strengthened to deal with the British in the Mediterranean. Their traditional base in Ethiopia has been strengthened and she can choose between three British Indian Ocean naval targets.
Chinese infantry costs 2 IPC so they can always harrass the Japanese but her production base is weak.
Japan round one possesses coastal China but needs to deal with the Chinese who hold the interior. She can attack Pearl Harbour, the Philippines, Malaya/Singapore, Borneo, the Dutch East Indies and New Guinea. As in World war 2, the conquest of the East Indies gains her resource-rich colonies. Japan has a slightly higher initial production value, another transport and more air power to fill her carrier fleet.
The British represent France in Europe. They own the rich Asian territories of Borneo, Malaya and New Guinea. Their fleets in the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean have been strengthened but are threatened. Her garrison in Gibraltar has been strengthened.
As in 1939, the USA needs to awaken from her industrial depression and deep desire not to go to war, so she starts hostilities with no IPCs. However, her industrial potential is huge and the axis must move fast before she mobilises.
The Middle-East is neutral and valuable as it was at the beginning of WW2 (Syria was Vichy-France and the UK/Russia invaded or supported coups in Iraq/Iran in 1941). Turkey is an industrial power and is strongly defended. Italy and Germany's route to the middle-east oil-fields lies through Egypt and/or Turkey. Saudi Arabia's terrain and climate made her very hard and costly to invade and control.
Factories cost 35 IPC and are a major investment.
Many thanks to Willy, Ice, Lux, Jocker, CCN and Swobo for helping trial the map and offering feedback and suggestions. Have fun playing this variation and please use the comment option below to offer feedback, suggestions and criticisms.
Wolfy - October, 2008
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